20 July, 2010


...don't want to be a doctor

...only want to travel

...want to help people

...am feeling melodramatic

...believe that humans thrive of drama and so it's quite alright that I'm feeling a bit melodramatic

...wish I was taken seriously

...wish a lot of things

...am forcing myself to make decisions now that will make me happy in the future

...find it ironic that what I don't want to do is also the most difficult choice and yet that is what I feel pressured to do

...have faith

...can do it if I want to

...don't want to

...am a coward

...am letting this speak for me

...know you won't read it any time soon

...don't care about money or prestige

...know it sounds silly and overly romantic

...don't see why life can't be silly and romantic

...want life to be silly and romantic

...will be back

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